At the same time as they protested the taxes imposed by Parliament, many Americans saw King George III as the protector of their rights as British citizens. Americans proudly used and displayed a wide range of household objects decorated with symbols representing the king. One of the most common symbols was “GR,” short for Georgius Rex or George the King. “GR” was often used on ceramics, including mugs, jugs, and chamber pots (portable indoor toilets), like this one.

Object Details

  • Item/Title: Chamber Pot
    Place: England
    Date: 1770-1775
    Materials: Salt-glazed stoneware
    Credit: Museum of the American Revolution, 2017.07.02.12

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Success to the Triphena Punch Bowl

Triphena Punch Bowl

This punch bowl wishes “Success to the Triphena,” a merchant ship that made frequent trips between Philadelphia and Liverpool, England, in the 1760s.
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Image 102820 16x9 Transparent Rtr Arachaeology At Site Of Moar Yamin

Archaeology at the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution

Read this timeline by historical archaeologist Rebecca Yamin about the artifacts discovered during the excavation of Philadelphia's newest Museum.
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Two Asian American female children utilize the objects within Revolution Place. They are both seated at a wooden table. The child on the left is writing with a quill pen and smiling, while the child on the right is pretended to pour cream into her silver teacup. On the table to her left is a silver tea pot.

Revolution Place

Saturdays & Sundays, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.*
The Museum’s family-friendly discovery center, Revolution Place, brings to life the Museum’s lively, diverse Old City neighborhood during the 1700s and invites visitors to learn through hands-on exploration.
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