
About the Liberty Society

The Liberty Society takes its name from the Liberty Tree, a rallying point where colonists congregated in the decade preceding the American Revolution. Under the Liberty Tree, Americans discussed and debated independence, freedom, and equality. Liberty Society members create a lasting legacy that upholds the importance of the ongoing American Revolution and the need to teach democratic ideas and ideals to future generations.

Why Leave a Planned Gift?

The purpose of the Liberty Society is to recognize those who have included the Museum of the American Revolution in their estate plans, and through their example, to encourage others to do the same. Planned gifts can enhance your income and/or reduce your taxes while permitting you to invest in an organization that is meaningful to you. No matter the size, a gift to the Liberty Society indicates your dedication to our cause and your passion for upholding our country’s revolutionary beginnings. Your commitment makes a tremendous impact.

Gifts That Cost You Nothing in Your Lifetime

A bequest can be for a percentage of your estate or for a specific amount. With a bequest, you retain control of your assets during your lifetime and can change your beneficiaries at any time. You can complete your gift with just a few sentences in your will.

Sample Bequest Language: I give (dollars) or (specific assets, such as securities, real estate, or other property) or (all or percent of the rest, residual and remainder of my estate) to the Museum of the American Revolution, located at 101 South Third Street in Philadelphia, PA for (its general purposes or for the following purpose:).

Designate the Museum to receive all or a portion of the balance of your IRA, 401(K), or other qualified plan. The Charitable IRA Rollover allows individuals age 70½ and older to make direct transfers of up to $100,000 per year to qualified charities without having to count the transfers as income for federal tax purposes.

Give a policy you no longer need by making the Museum of the American Revolution both the owner and beneficiary. You receive gift credit and an immediate income tax deduction for the cash surrender value of the policy.

Gifts That Pay You Back

You transfer cash or securities to the Museum, then the Museum pays you or one other beneficiary you name a fixed annual income for life. The remaining balance passes to the Museum when the contract ends at the death of the last beneficiary. This contract can also be deferred, meaning that the fixed annuity payments begin on a specified date in the future.

By placing a major gift of cash, securities, or other appreciated property into a trust, you will receive a fixed amount of income each year. When the trust terminates, the remainder passes to the Museum to be used as you have directed.

A charitable remainder unitrust is a trust agreement that splits benefits between an individual and the Museum. You transfer money, property, or both to the trust in exchange for variable annual income payments. When the trust terminates, the balance transfers to the Museum.

Other Types of Gifts

If you already have or plan to create a donor advised fund, you can name the Museum as a final beneficiary to receive the balance left on the account.

You contribute securities or other appreciated assets to a charitable lead trust, then the trust makes fixed annual payments to the Museum for a period of time. When the trust terminates, the remaining principal is paid to your heirs.

The Museum can also accept real or tangible property, including real estate, jewelry, books, works of art, and collections of historic artifacts. Such gifts are subject to review prior to acceptance.

For more information about the Liberty Society, to make a planned giving commitment, or to let us know that you have already included the Museum in your estate plans, please contact the Museum's Chief Philanthropy Officer, Danielle Smereczynski at 267.579.3449 or [email protected].