Cross Keys Café will be closed for Election Day on Nov. 5. The Museum will be open normal hours, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Plan Your Visit

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This punch bowl wishes “Success to the Triphena,” a merchant ship that made frequent trips between Philadelphia and Liverpool, England, in the 1760s. Americans celebrated the benefits of British trade by drinking and toasting with bowls like this. In 1765, the Triphena carried an appeal from Philadelphia merchants to merchants in Liverpool requesting their help in lobbying the British Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act. Archaeologists found this punch bowl in 2014 on the site of what is now the Museum of the American Revolution.

Object Details

  • Punch Bowl
    Liverpool, England
    Tin-glazed earthenware 
    Museum of the American Revolution 


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Image 092420 16x9 Arms Liberty Punch Bowl Collection Punchbowl

"Arms of Liberty" Punch Bowl

This punch bowl, made in China for export to Britain and its American colonies, was designed to poke fun at those opposed to English politician John Wilkes.
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Image 102820 16x9 Transparent Rtr Arachaeology At Site Of Moar Yamin

Archaeology at the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution

Read this timeline by historical archaeologist Rebecca Yamin about the artifacts discovered during the excavation of Philadelphia's newest Museum.
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