During the Revolutionary War, American gunsmiths struggled to meet the enormous demand for military firearms to equip the Continental Army, as well as state and militia forces. As a result, they often used foreign and American-made parts in their work. This musket is a typical composite piece of wartime production, incorporating British and American components. The butt of this weapon is boldly marked “U.STATES” to designate public ownership and deter theft of government property. Surviving canteens, cartridge boxes, and other equipment used by the Continental Army bear similar marks.

Object Details

  • Musket
    United States of America
    Iron, Steel, Wood, Brass
    Museum of the American Revolution

Image 092220 16x9 New Jersey Musket Collection Newjerseymusket

Musket Marked "NEW JERSEY"

This well-preserved musket is marked “NEW JERSEY” was produced by Richard Wilson’s London gun-making firm.
See Object
Musket Made by Thomas Palmer

Musket Made by Thomas Palmer

This musket, made by Philadelphia gunsmith Thomas Palmer, is believed to have been one of the forty muskets ordered by George Washington in January 1775.
See Object
Image 092220 16x9 Peter Muhlenberg Pistols Muhlenberg Pistols

Peter Muhlenberg's Pistols

German-American Brigadier General Muhlenberg (1746-1807) carried these English holster pistols during the American Revolution.
See Object