Citizenship – and the opportunities and obligations it provides – is the focus of a new episode of the Museum of the American Revolution’s AmRev360 web series on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020 at Noon. The episode, “The Revolutionary Promise of Citizenship,” will air on the Museum’s Facebook page and will include Spanish-language captions. It is presented in partnership with Al Dia News. The panelists will be available to respond to questions live in the comments.

The 30-minute conversation will explore what it means to be an American citizen and how it applies to our lives today, especially in light of the upcoming presidential election. It also will expound on the Museum’s Citizenship Initiative, a free course that uses the Museum’s artifacts, exhibits, and stories to prepare Philadelphia-area immigrants to take the naturalization test. (To learn more about the course or sign up for the next session, visit here.)

For the virtual conversation, Dr. R. Scott Stephenson, Museum President and CEO, will be joined by Dana Devon, a longtime educational producer of regional and national civic programming who manages the Museum’s Citizenship Initiative, and Dr. Juan Giarrizzo, a native of Venezuela who graduated from the Museum’s first citizenship class in 2019 and later became a naturalized American citizen. Giarrizzo is a co-creator of Gente de Venezuela, a new group that seeks to empower the immigrant community through professional development, advocacy, and culture.

“One of the most inspiring gifts that Revolutionary Americans bequeathed to the world is a model for citizenship that is rooted in inalienable rights and noble aspirations rather than a common religion, language, race or ethnicity,” said Stephenson. “We created the Citizenship Initiative to reinforce and strengthen that tradition, so that new citizens understand the roots of our democratic republic and see themselves as a vital part of our nation’s ongoing experiment in liberty, equality and self-government.”

As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Museum also is offering a free, hour-long live tour of its Virtual Museum, led by Gallery Interpretation Manager Tyler Putman with live translation by Giarrizzo, on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020 at 6 p.m. Explore surprising and diverse stories from the Revolutionary era and learn how the American Revolution inspired independence movements across the Spanish-speaking world. Tickets are free, but capacity is limited; please register here.

AmRev360 is a series of lively virtual conversations between Stephenson and a broad slate of dynamic guests, including authors, actors, community leaders, and more. All conversations are free and are released on the Museum’s website and social media channels.

Recent AmRev360 episodes include:

  • History Has Its Eyes on Us with Yale University historian and Hamilton expert Dr. Joanne Freeman and Chicago-based actor and playwright Paul Oakley Stovall, who portrays George Washington in the national tour of Hamilton.
  • When Women Lost the Vote with Dr. Rosemarie Zagarri, historian and author of Revolutionary Backlash, with the Museum’s Curatorial Fellow in Women’s History Dr. Marcela Micucci, discussing the Museum’s upcoming special exhibition.
  • Mascots, Monuments and Memory with Oneida Indian Nation leader and Museum Board Member Ray Halbritter, exploring Halbritter's role in leading the “Change the Mascot” movement to rename the NFL’s Washington Football Team and the difference between celebration and commemoration.

Upcoming AmRev360 conversations will cover topics ranging from reviving the tastes of Revolutionary America to African American genealogy and Native American Heritage month.

About Museum of the American Revolution
The Museum of the American Revolution uncovers and shares compelling stories about the diverse people and complex events that sparked America’s ongoing experiment in liberty, equality, and self-government. Through the Museum’s unmatched collection, immersive galleries, powerful theater experiences, and interactive elements, visitors gain a deeper appreciation for how this nation came to be and feel inspired to consider their role in ensuring that the promise of the American Revolution endures. Located just steps away from Independence Hall, the Museum serves as a portal to the region’s many Revolutionary sites, sparking interest, providing context, and encouraging exploration. The Museum, which opened on April 19, 2017, is a private, non-profit, and non-partisan organization. For more information, visit or call 877.740.1776.