Actor Nathan Alford-Tate depicts a sailor in a blue coat holding a sailmaking fid in our Meet James Forten first-person theatrical performance.

Join us online to experience the Museum's newest first-person theatrical performance, "Meet James Forten," exploring Forten’s life as a free Black Philadelphian, Revolutionary War privateer, and stalwart abolitionist. Following the live virtual performance beginning at 6:30 p.m., join actor Nathan Alford-Tate and Michael Idriss, the Museum’s African American Interpretive Fellow, for a talkback discussion about how and why this new theatrical piece was created and why Forten’s story continues to resonate with audiences today. Kalela Williams, founder of Black History Maven and a member of the Museum’s Diversify Living History Advisory Committee, will moderate this discussion.

The Museum’s Senior Manager of Gallery Interpretation Dr. Tyler Putman will provide opening remarks about "Brave Men as Ever Fought," a new painting by nationally renowned historical artist Don Troiani that shows a significant moment in Forten’s life. The painting, which is featured in the special exhibition Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War, on view now, was commissioned with funding from the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail of the National Park Service.

About Kalela Williams

Kalela Williams Headshot

Kalela Williams has worked in public programming and education for more than a decade, in her current role as the first Director of Writing with Philadelphia-based youth organization Mighty Writers and in previous roles with the Free Library of Philadelphia and James Madison University's Furious Flower Poetry Center. As a member of the Museum’s Diversify Living History Advisory Committee, she has also interpreted for the Meet the Revolution series at the Museum of the American Revolution. She is the founder of Black History Maven, a gathering community that honors all diverse pasts, affirms Black identity and pride, and engages communities in literary, artistic, and cultural conversations. 

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