With hard currency in short supply, the coins of many nations circulated throughout the British colonies. Pennsylvanian James Boone, Jr. pasted a printed table (probably clipped from a pocket almanac) showing the value and weight of various coins inside the lid of his money scale. Born Feb. 6, 1744, in Exeter Township, Pennsylvania, Boone became a proficient mathematician. According to an 1879 newspaper article, Boone “resided for some time at Philadelphia, and while there enjoyed the society of Dr. Franklin, David Rittenhouse and other men of learning.” He spent the rest of his life teaching and studying mathematics until his premature death on Oct. 6, 1795. In 1773, the year that he boldly inscribed his name on the outside of the wooden case, James' cousin, Daniel Boone, made the first attempt by British colonists to establish a settlement in Kentucky.

Object Details

  • Money Scale
    Possibly Pennsylvania
    Oak, Iron, Steel, Brass
    Museum of the American Revolution, 2003.00.0090

Inside of the wooden box for James Boone's money scale with a paper conversion table pasted to the inside of the lid.
Inside of the box for James Boone's money scale with pasted table on lid.
Scratched and worn small wooden box whose closed lid is marked with the words "James Boone, junior" and beneath this, the date "A.D. 1773"
Outside of the wooden box that holds James Boone's money scale.

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