Joseph Plumb Martin's Memoir

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In June 1776, 15-year-old Joseph Plumb Martin left his home in Connecticut and joined the Continental Army. He served in the army until the end of the war. As an elderly man, Martin wrote a detailed memoir about his experiences at places such as West Point, Constitution Island, Yorktown, Monmouth, and Valley Forge. Titled A Narrative of Some of the Adventures, Dangers and Sufferings of a Revolutionary Soldier, Martin’s memoir is one of the best resources to learn about common soldiers during the Revolutionary War. Rather than battle stories, Martin shared the experiences of enlisted soldiers, portraying them, not officers, as the heroes of the Revolution. Martin suggested that in honor of their service, pensions be given to surviving veterans, many of whom were poor and unable to work by 1830. In 1835, the Federal government began offering pensions to enlisted soldiers or their surviving families.
Artifact Details
Written by Joseph Plumb Martin
Hallowell, Maine
Ink on Paper
Museum of the American Revolution, 2018.16.01
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"Meet Joseph Plumb Martin" Performance

Memoir of a Revolutionary Soldier