Dr. R. Scott Stephenson with artist Don Troiani at the Liberty Exhibit Opening

Without the benefit of photography, the Revolutionary War can be difficult to imagine. But what did the war truly look like? Nationally renowned historical artist Don Troiani has spent much of his decades long career trying to answer this question through his painstakingly researched works of art. More than 45 of those paintings were on display as part of the Museum’s special exhibition, Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War, his first major museum exhibition, open from Oct. 16, 2021 through Sept. 5, 2022.

In this episode of AmRev360, Troiani joins Museum President & CEO Dr. R. Scott Stephenson from the exhibit for a discussion about where his love of art and history originated, his surprising Philadelphia ties, his most challenging paintings, and the scenes he’d still like to paint.

Liberty, now closed as of Sept. 5, 2022, plunged visitors into some of the most pivotal events of America’s fight for independence and revealed Troiani’s research-based artistic process. The exhibit also unveiled one of Troiani’s latest works, "Brave Men as Ever Fought," a painting of the young African American sailor and Philadelphian James Forten witnessing Black and Native American troops in the ranks of the Continental Army as they march past Independence Hall on their way to Yorktown, Virginia. The painting was commissioned in 2019 by the Museum with funding provided by the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail of the National Park Service. 

AmRev360 features lively conversations on the American Revolution from all angles between Stephenson and a broad slate of dynamic guests, including authors, actors, community leaders, and more. 

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A Museum staff member views a painting in the Liberty exhibit

Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War

October 16, 2021 - September 5, 2022
Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War immersed visitors in the dramatic and research-based works of nationally renowned historical artist Don Troiani to bring the compelling stories about the diverse people and complex events of the American Revolution to life.
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Watch lively conversations on the American Revolution from all angles, hosted by Museum President & CEO Dr. R. Scott Stephenson and featuring a broad slate of dynamic guests, on our AmRev360 web series.
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Rhonda Brace (left), a descendent of Jeffrey Brace, who was enslaved during the Revolutionary era, found freedom, and wrote a memoir in 1810, which was republished in 2004 by Kari Winter (right).

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