The Virtual First Oval Office Project Sneak Peek: A Guided Tour
February 14, 2021 from 2-3 p.m.- February 14, 2021 from 2-3 p.m.
- Online
Ticket Pricing:
General Admission - $7
Students, Teachers & Museum Professionals - $5
Museum Members - FREE
The Museum's Virtual First Oval Office Project was created through a generous grant by the State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania.

Have you ever wanted to step inside Washington’s War Tent? The linen tent served as General George Washington's headquarters throughout much of the Revolutionary War and is now on display at the Museum, where we sometimes call it the "First Oval Office.” Join Gallery Interpretation Manager Dr. Tyler Putman on Sunday, Feb. 14 at 2 p.m. for a sneak peek of the Museum's new Virtual First Oval Office Project, which explores the Museum’s hand-sewn replicas of Washington’s tents and was created through a generous grant by the State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania. Experience this reproduction of Washington's wartime command center through immersive 360-degree photography with live narration in this 45-minute interactive program on Zoom.
The Virtual First Oval Office Project Sneak Peek: A Guided Tour is presented as part of Presidents Day with the Museum sponsored by American Heritage Credit Union.
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Presidents Day Weekend with the Museum
February 12-15, 2021
First Oval Office Project