Elizabeth "Betty" Dorn's short gown
Monmouth County Historical Society, Freehold, NJ. Gift of Mrs. Charles G. Bennet and Miss Louise Hartshorne, 1935

Join us for this four-week virtual workshop to learn about fashion history and how to make your own short gown based on Elizabeth “Betty” Dorn’s short gown on display in our special exhibit, When Women Lost the Vote: A Revolutionary Story, 1776-1807. Dorn’s short gown, which dates to the first years of the 1800s and is on loan from the Monmouth County Historical Association, prompts us to ask whether Dorn, a free black woman, was among America’s first women voters. Explore the history of short gowns and the significance of Dorn’s before learning the basic steps and sewing skills involved in making your own with guest artist Kirsten Hammerstrom and Gallery Interpretation Manager Tyler Putman.

This workshop will meet weekly on Wednesdays throughout February (Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24) from 7-8:30 p.m. All participants will receive materials by mail prior to the start of the workshop to make their own short gown. No prior sewing experience is required and this jacket will be patterned to fit you. If you plan to wear it for a costumed event, owning a set of period stays will help you achieve a more authentic silhouette. Participants will need an internet connection, microphone, and webcam.

Registration Deadline: January 25, 2021

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A visitor looks at the When Women Lost the Vote tableau featuring two white women and a woman of color voting in New Jersey in 1811.

When Women Lost the Vote: A Revolutionary Story

October 2, 2020 - April 25, 2021
When Women Lost the Vote explored the little-known history of the nation’s first women voters and examined the political conflicts that led to their voting rights being stripped away.
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Image 121120 Artisan Workshop Series Sewing Dsc 1128

Classes on the American Revolution

Learn more about classes offered by the Museum, including five-week AmRev Seminar courses and hands-on Artisan Workshops.
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Katelyn Appiah-Kubi portrays Elizabeth Freeman wearing a blue dress with white apron and hat.

Black History Month

Celebrate Black History Month 2025 and explore the stories of Revolutionaries of African descent with the Museum this February.
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