On May 6, 1780, 17-year-old David Clark needed certification of his age. Having seen documentation that showed Clark would turn 18 on Aug. 24, 1780, John Hambright wrote this letter of certification. The enlistment age range for all able-bodied men in the Continental Army was 16 to 50, though most soldiers were between 16 and 30. As a young man, Clark’s army enlistment was his first experience being away from home and everything he was accustomed to. He would have to learn how to weather the elements, fight against a powerful military force, and hope that he came through unscathed on the other side. Unfortunately, we do not know what became of Clark, except that he was part of a large group of brave young men who fought for America’s independence. 

Document Details

  • Certification Document
    Written by John Hambright
    Sunbury, Pennsylvania
    May 6, 1780
    Ink on Paper
    Museum of the American Revolution, 2021.18.01

This image shows a handwritten 18th century document on aged brownish paper that certified the age of a Continental Army soldier.
Reverse side of the document.
Cash Pallentine's Continental Army Discharge

Cash Pallentine's Continental Army Discharge

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Image 092320 16x9 Continental Army Discharge Collection 1783 Militarydischarge

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Receipt for a Stand of French Arms

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