The American Revolution was dramatic, gritty, and full of uncertainty — an era of unparalleled political and social upheaval, even by today’s standards. The Museum invites you and your group to explore this rich and complicated era and its connections to our world today.

In-Museum Youth Group Visits

Cost: $11 per youth, $16 per adult — 1 free chaperone for every 10 youth.
Choose from an educator-led tour of our core exhibition or self-guided exploration.

To book your youth group's visit, please contact a group sales representative at [email protected] or 267-579-3623.

Youth Group Guide PDF  Contact Group Sales

Revolution Place

This image shows two adolescent males, in military costume, enjoying a digital feature in Revolution Place.

During your visit, don’t forget to visit our interactive, family-friendly discovery center, Revolution Place, that brings to life the Museum’s lively, diverse Old City neighborhood during the 1700s and invites visitors to learn through hands-on exploration.

Learn More

Virtual Programs

All live sessions are $125 per session for up to 20 households.
Duration: 60 minutes
Experience our fun, interactive, cameras-on programs created especially for youth groups.

Virtual program options include:

  • What’s Under the Museum?
    Go behind the scenes at the museum to discover cool artifacts and hear exciting stories about the past. In this workshop, we’ll learn about archaeology and the thousands of objects we discovered under the an 18th-century toilet! Find out what these objects reveal about the people who once lived in our revolutionary neighborhood. Bring an interesting but mysterious object from your own house and see if your friends can figure out what it is.
  • Spies of the Revolution
    In this super-secret meeting, we will learn about the spies of the Revolution. From shopkeepers and mystery women to enslaved men who served as double agents, let’s discover who they were and all the ways they operated undercover. We’ll solve puzzles, uncover secret messages, and discover why George Washington thought spies were an important part of victory.
  • Life at Sea!
    Climb aboard as we learn about life on a privateer ship, including what they ate, what your job might have been, and how they passed the time. Meet some of the Revolution’s most famous sailors and get ready to help us create our own, original, “tall tale” from the high seas. Bring along something from home that you would want to join you as you spent 8 months at sea.

To book a virtual program for your youth group, please contact a group sales representative at [email protected] or 267-579-3623.