
Life at sea in the Revolutionary War aboard a ship like the Museum's privateer sloop meant long periods of boredom interspersed with brief moments of terrifying battles and storms. How would you have entertained yourself?
One common game, fox and geese, is similar to checkers and easy to play anywhere! Sailors carved game boards into spare planks of wood and used pebbles, coins, or buttons as game pieces.

Download the instructions and design for our Fox and Geese Game, and challenge a friend to a game.

Fox and Geese Game

Materials Needed


  1. Print out the game board
  2. Cut out the 14 circles. The gray circle represents the fox. The other 13 circles represent the geese.
  3. Read the game-play steps, and play with a friend!

The fox and geese game was originally released as part of the Museum's Virtual Spring Break programming, sponsored by PECO, which ran online in April 2020, featuring do-at-home crafts and activities, virtual story time, Artisans Field Trip living history interviews, and live Q&As with Museum staff.

Be sure to follow the Museum (@amrevmuseum) on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for daily content and updates.

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