Image 101220 Foop George Washingtons Replica War Tent

Join the Museum at the Nantucket Historical Association's Old Mill on July 13-14 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., for a two-day program where we will set up the First Oval Office Project, our recreated Revolutionary War encampment, including handsewn, full-scale replicas of General George Washington's sleeping marquee, dining tent, baggage tent, and common tents that served as his mobile headquarters while on campaign. Guests can explore Washington's tents inside and out and meet with living history interpreters from the Museum for conversations and hands-on activities. 

The Nantucket Historical Association’s Old Mill was built in 1746 by Nathan Wilbur, a Nantucket sailor who had spent time in Holland. The Old Mill is believed to be the oldest American windmill in continuous operation and was desig­nated an American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark in 1992.

Plus, don't miss a special lecture, titled Among His Troops: George Washington’s War Tent and the Mystic Chords of Memory, by Museum President and CEO R. Scott Stephenson at the Whaling Museum on July 13 at 6 p.m. In this richly illustrated lecture, Stephenson will explore the history and significance of General George Washington’s mobile field headquarters, a linen sleeping and office tent that sheltered our first Commander-in-Chief during the Revolutionary War. The original tent, on permanent display at the Museum, had a rich and dramatic life following the death of George and Martha Washington, with a remarkable cast of characters from Lafayette to Robert E. Lee to an Episcopal priest with a dream.

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General George Washington's Revolutionary War headquarters tent on display at the Museum

Washington's War Tents

Explore the cornerstone of the Museum's collection, General George Washington's Revolutionary War tent, and the handsewn, full-scale replica of his field headquarters.
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Washington Field HQ Sleeping Marquee Exterior View

Virtual Tour of Washington's Field Headquarters

Explore the Museum's handsewn, full-scale replicas of General George Washington's Revolutionary War sleeping, dining, and baggage tents through 360-degree images in our Virtual Tour of Washington's Field Headquarters.
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Image 101220 Foop George Washingtons Replica War Tent

First Oval Office Project

Learn more about the Museum's handsewn, full-scale replica of General George Washington's mobile Revolutionary War headquarters tents.
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