The American Revolution was dramatic, gritty, and full of uncertainty – it was anything but dry and inevitable. Students and educators are invited to explore this rich and complicated era – and its connections to our world today.

For information about in-person field trips to the Museum, please contact a group sales representative at [email protected] or 267-579-3623. Is your school Title 1? Scholarship funding may be available! Mention your Title 1 status when you reach out to book.

Contact Group Sales Field Trip Planner

Through Their Eyes: Major Causes and Events of the American Revolution

Duration: 90-minutes – includes the feature film, Washington’s War Tent

The Museum’s flagship in-gallery experience Through Their Eyes invites students to explore the major causes and events of the American Revolution through the eyes of the men, women and children who lived through it. 

As they visit select galleries with trained museum staff, students will consider questions such as:

  • Who are the people of the Revolution?
  • How did people become revolutionaries?
  • What was it like to live during the Revolution?
  • How did the Revolution survive its darkest hour?
  • How revolutionary was the war?
  • What kind of nation did the Revolution create?

Our newly launched live, distance learning programs make a great companion to your in-museum visit! These virtual experiences can be delivered as a pre- or post-visit activity.