Women Voted Year After Year

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Poll List

Upper Penns Neck Township
Salem County, New Jersey
October 13 & 14, 1801
Ink on Paper

This poll list is from an October 1801 state election that was held at the home of Philip Souder, an innkeeper in Upper Penns Neck Township, Salem County. The election determined annual officeholders for the New Jersey State Assembly and Legislative Council, and for the Salem County Sheriff and Coroner. The town officers presiding over the election included Judge Joseph Borden, Assessor Jacob Wright, Clerk Isaac Ward, and Collector Philip Curriden. 

The poll list includes the names of 115 total voters. At least eight of these voters are women, accounting for about seven percent of the voters on the list. 

We assume Upper Penns Neck Township, like the rest of Salem County, voted Democratic Republican in the October 1801 election, but we do not know which candidates the township voters supported due to a gap in historical records.

Note: The names recorded on this poll list were written by an election official, not by the voters themselves. The spelling of each voter’s name on the poll list may be different compared to how that same person’s name is spelled in other historical records and by the Museum of the American Revolution.

Images: Salem County Historical Society

Where Did This Election Take Place?

This election took place in Upper Penns Neck Township, Salem County, New Jersey

Catherine McGill

Mary Clark

Barbara Shute

Sarah King

Sopher Lloyd

A Pair of Women Voters

Elinor Williams and Christianna Holton voted together.

View Christianna Holton Explore Widow Women Voters Explore Single Women Voters
Charity Peterson

The Total Number of Voters

A total of 115 voters cast their ballots in this election. What happened next?

The Election Officials

Joseph Borden, Jacob Wright, Phillip Curriden, and Isaac Ward all served as election officials for this election.