
Matthew Manna: A Country Apothecary
Richard Mansergh St. George named the country apothecary in this cartoon after a common laxative (the manna ash tree) used during the 1700s. St. George shows Matthew Manna outside his shop holding a wig for a customer. During the period, apothecaries did all sorts of tasks, such as mixing medicines and barbering, to earn money. The sign above the shop window demonstrates this: “MATT MANNA Apothecary surgeon. CORN Cutter &c &c. Man midsize Gentlemen shaved & Hogs Gelded. shave for a penny & Bleed for 2 pence."
Matthew Manna: A Country Apothecary
Drawn by Richard Mansergh St. George; Published by Matthew and Mary Darly
October 11, 1773
Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University