Map of the Siege of Yorktown
In the months after Yorktown, Continental Army officers celebrated their victory and promoted their own military achievements. German-born Continental Artillery officer Sebastian Bauman served at the Siege of Yorktown. He created this map from his measurements of the battlefield taken three days after the British Army’s surrender. Engraved and published in Philadelphia in 1782, Bauman distributed copies of the map to his fellow officers encamped in the Hudson Highlands to show off his skills and celebrate the victory. In October 1782, while he was encamped at West Point, Bauman sent a copy to General William Heath at Verplanck’s Point.
Plan of the Investment of York and Gloucester
Drawn by Sebastian Bauman
Paper, Ink
Museum of the American Revolution, Gift of the Landenberger Family Foundation (founded by Bill Landenberger) and The Acorn Foundation Fund for History in Memory of Alexander Orr Vietor (David B. Vietor, Richard R. Vietor, Louise V. Oliver, Pauline V. Sheehan, Alexander W. Vietor, and Martha V. Glass, trustees)