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Showing 31–40 of 234 results for Cost of Revolution Online Exhibit
This image shows the book cover of Bunker Hill: A City, A Siege, A Revolution by Nathaniel Philbrick. It shows a picture of a cannon going off during a nighttime battle. There are Revolutionary soldiers behind the cannon and the fire and sparks fill the dark.

Bunker Hill

This excerpt from Nathaniel Philbrick describes the uncertain, dramatic start to the legendary Battle of Bunker Hill during the American Revolution.
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Image 10012020 16x9 Rum Punch Revolution Rtr 71

Rum Punch and Revolution

This excerpt from Peter Thompson highlights the changing culture surrounding taverns and political life on the eve of the American Revolution
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Sentiments Of A British American Woman by Owen Ireland book cover featuring a portrait of Esther de Bert Reed.

Sentiments of a British-American Woman

Read an excerpt from Owen S. Ireland's book, Sentiments of a British-American Woman: Esther DeBerdt Reed and the American Revolution.
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Book cover for Vicious and Immoral featuring the title in a script font at the top, a depiction of Robert Newburgh wearing a purple waistcoat, purple pants, and a tri-corner hat, then the author's name at the bottom.

Vicious and Immoral

Read an excerpt from John Gilbert McCurdy's book, Vicious and Immoral: Homosexuality, the American Revolution, and the Trials of Robert Newburgh.
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This image shows the book cover of Following the Drum: Women at the Valley Forge Encampment by Nancy Loane. The background is white and on the left hand side on the bottoms, there is a red box. Above the box is a painting of a snowy scene with George Washington taking off his hat. There is another officer to his left, with his back toward the viewer. And on the left side of the image is a woman dressed in red, bowing down.

Following the Drum

This excerpt from Nancy Loane focuses on female camp followers during the American Revolution: nurses, cooks, laundresses, and even ladies of privilege.
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This image shows the book cover of Declaration: The Nine Tumultuous Weeks When American Became Independent, May 1-July 4, 1776, by William Hogeland. The title of the book is written at the top of the page and William’s name is written at the bottom. The portrait on the cover shows a group of men on the street and they are burning money. One gentleman, with his back toward the viewer, raises his hat off his head with his right hand.


This excerpt by William Hogeland explores the people, backroom politicking, and passions that ignited our pursuit of liberty during the American Revolution.
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The Road To Yorktown edited by Norman Desmarais book cover

The Road to Yorktown

Read an excerpt from Norman Desmarais's edited edition of The Road to Yorktown: The French Campaigns in the American Revolution, 1780-1783.
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Image 09282020 16x9 Rtr Valley Forge Winter Readtherevolutionbookcover Rtr89

The Valley Forge Winter

This excerpt from Wayne Bodle presents the story of the winter of 1777-1778 during the American Revolution with details that may be new to most readers.
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This image depicts the book cover of Women of The Republic: Intellect and Ideology in Revolutionary America by Linda Kerber. The title of the book is written at the top of the page in white. The main title is written in front of a blue bar, while the subtitle is written in front of a red bar directly underneath. There is a painting of a rosy checked woman with a white dress and dark hair holding an American flag in her left hand and peering up to the right.

Women of the Republic

This excerpt from Linda Kerber explains the concept of "Republic Motherhood" during the Revolution and explores its lasting legacy on the American Republic
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Book covers for First Martyr of Liberty and The Remarkable Cause.

Double Feature: First Martyr of Liberty and The Remarkable Cause

Read excerpts from Mitch Kachun's First Martyr of Liberty: Crispus Attucks in American Memory and Jean O'Connor's The Remarkable Cause: A Novel of James Lovell and the Crucible of the Revolution.
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