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Showing 221–230 of 234 results for Cost of Revolution Online Exhibit
This image shows the book cover of Frontier Rebels: The Fight for Independence in the American West, 1765-1776 by Patrick Spero. The image is a drawing of Native Americans and white explorers. The focal point is a Native American smoking a long pip. He is bending on his right knee. He is surrounded by other Native Americans and white explorers.

Frontier Rebels

Read an excerpt from Patrick Spero's book, Frontier Rebels: The Fight for Independence in the American West, 1765-1776.
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The image shows the book cover of Liberty's Exiles: American Loyalists in the Revolutionary World by Maya Jasanoff. The cover is written in red font and the subtitle is written in blue font. There are three circular portraits. On the left is a portrait of a woman, the middle there is a portrait of a Native American, and on the right is a portrait of a gentleman in a red coat.

Liberty's Exiles

This excerpt from Maya Jasanoff illustrates exiled loyalists' experience and what it meant as an American colonist returning to Great Britain after defeat.
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This image shows the book cover of The American Plate: A Culinary History in 100 Bites by Libby O'Connell. The title of the book is written in blue and red. Around the title are items of food forming the shape of a dish. From the top moving to the right is a blue shell grab, meat, anise, a bowl of red berries, a charred corn on the cob in the husk, Swiss cheese, small pretzels, two chicken wings, a bowl of grain, two small red peppers, and a bowl of green soup.

The American Plate

Read this excerpt from Libby O'Connell's The American Plate about the role patriotism played in leading us towards our now ubiquitous coffee culture.
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This image depicts the book cover of American Cake by Anne Byrn. The book cover shows a white frosted cake with pink rose petals on top. The cake sits on a white cake stand with more petals surrounding the right side of the stand. Below this image is the title of the book. Below the title of the book are three smaller photographs of cakes dated 1770, 1903, and 1963.

Double Feature: Gingerbread

Read these excerpts featuring Colonial recipes along with tempting and intriguing stories about our early American culinary history.
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The Last Muster

Read this excerpt from Maureen Taylor’s book that complied over 50 19th-century photographs and shares biographical information for each person.
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Our Sister Republics

Caitlin Fitz investigates South Americans who visited the United States to inspire support and gather supplies for their revolutions back home.
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This image depicts the book cover of Of Arms and Artists: The American Revolution through Painters’ Eyes by Paul Staiti.

Of Arms and Artists

This excerpt from Paul Staiti discusses artist and Revolutionary War veteran John Trumbull’s effort to create the paintings for the US Capitol Building.
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This image depicts the book cover of A Revolution in Eating: How the Quest for Food Shaped America by James McWilliams. The title and author are written on the bottom of the cover. There is a pot of steaming food with a ladle on a red tablecloth. The top of the pot is in midair, as if being lifted off, to reveal the image of Washington crossing the Delaware River. IN the steam and in the background, there is the text of the Declaration.

A Revolution in Eating

This excerpt from James McWilliams shows how the first American cookbook in 1796 led to introducing American recipes alongside the traditional British ones
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Mapping the Revolution

This excerpt from authors Richard Brown and Paul Cohen charts the territorial claims and geographic strategy behind military campaigns during the Revolutionary War.
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This image depicts the book cover of Memories War by Thomas Chambers.

Memories of War

In this excerpt, historian Thomas A. Chambers explores how people visited and commemorated battlefields between independence and the Civil War.
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23 of 24 pages