Liberty Workshop Series 

What was it like to grow up during the Revolution? Join Museum educators as we discover the story of young revolutionary James Forten and how he – and other children and teens – experienced this turbulent time. Together we’ll discuss Forten’s life as he grew up in the heart of Revolutionary Philadelphia and examine how the Revolution helped shape him in his formative years while also considering how his experiences were similar to and different from those of other young people. Walk away from this workshop with ideas for how Forten’s story can help students imagine life in the Revolution. 

Check back for future workshops exploring the themes and stories from the Museum’s special exhibit, Liberty: The Paintings of Don Troiani

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Image 011321 Liberty Tree Photo Credit Bluecadet 0
Oct 14

Making the Revolution Relevant

October 14, 2021 from 7-8:30 p.m.
Using the Museum’s Virtual Museum Tour as a core resource, and drawing on current events, participants in this workshop will examine real and replica artifacts and images, analyze primary sources, and engage in discussion with their peers and museum staff to come up with classroom-focused ideas for meaningfully tying the Revolution to the present day.
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Dr. Philip Mead leads a class of teachers at the Season Of Independence Summer Teacher Institute.

Professional Development Workshops

Join fellow teachers for interactive workshops, engaging discussions, and content-rich presentations exploring the American Revolution in both historical and contemporary contexts.
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A Museum staff member views a painting in the Liberty exhibit

Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War

October 16, 2021 - September 5, 2022
Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War immersed visitors in the dramatic and research-based works of nationally renowned historical artist Don Troiani to bring the compelling stories about the diverse people and complex events of the American Revolution to life.
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