Museum Members are invited to join Curator of Exhibitions Matthew Skic for a free behind-the-scenes look at artifacts from the collection of renowned artist Don Troiani before they are installed in our upcoming special exhibition Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War, opening Oct. 16. Skic will showcase a rare British grenadier cap, an engraved powder horn carried by a New Hampshire officer, a German dragoon’s broadsword, and other artifacts that have inspired Troiani’s paintings of the war.

We are grateful to Bank of America, presenting sponsor of Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War, and to Comcast NBCUniversal, the education sponsor for the exhibition.

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A Museum staff member views a painting in the Liberty exhibit

Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War

October 16, 2021 - September 5, 2022
Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War immersed visitors in the dramatic and research-based works of nationally renowned historical artist Don Troiani to bring the compelling stories about the diverse people and complex events of the American Revolution to life.
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The image depicts the book cover of Don Troiani's Soldiers of The American Revolution by James Kochan and Don Troiani. There is a portrait of a Revolutionary War battle. The title of the book is written in blue and written around a picture of a gun at the top of the book cover.

Don Troiani’s Soldiers of the American Revolution

These works by Don Troiani show his original paintings of soldiers alongside the actual objects he studied in his artistic recreations.
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Image 121420 Rtr 16x9 Insignia Of Independence Troiani Kochan Cover

Insignia of Independence

This excerpt from artist Don Troiani and author James L. Kochan looks at the armies of the American Revolution and further divides each by regiment to take a closer look.
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