Finding Freedom tableau scene at the Museum depicting a British soldier of African descent trying to recruit a young boy of African descent to find freedom with the British army.

Please Note: This workshop has been cancelled. Please see our Professional Development Workshops page for more upcoming workshops.

On the eve of the American Revolution, one-fifth of British North America’s residents were people of African descent. What did their lives look like during the Revolutionary era, how were they impacted by the Revolution, and how did they themselves shape how the new nation came into being?

Join educators in-person at the Museum for a workshop combining classroom instruction with gallery exploration as we discuss these questions and shares resources and records for learning and teaching. The price of registration for this in-person professional development workshop is $45.

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Dr. Philip Mead leads a class of teachers at the Season Of Independence Summer Teacher Institute.

Professional Development Workshops

Join fellow teachers for interactive workshops, engaging discussions, and content-rich presentations exploring the American Revolution in both historical and contemporary contexts.
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For Students & Educators

Engage your students with the dramatic story of America's Founding with our in-person, in-class, homeschool, and virtual learning resources.
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Virtual Museum Tour

Explore the Museum of the American Revolution’s Virtual Museum Tour to immerse yourself in the history of the nation's founding through 360-degree panoramic images, high-resolution images of objects and artifacts, and a guided audio tour.
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